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Acupuncture helps move the energy. There are pathways of energy or medians in our body that run all over our body. The philosophy behind acupuncture is that as long as energy moves, we should be okay. When energy gets blocked in one of the pathways or meridians, symptoms occur, and when they are ignored, diseases happen later. That is why acupuncture is used to treat and maintain balance in our system. A good acupuncturist knows where the blockage is and how to unblock it. Contrary to popular belief, the needles aren't medicated.
Yes. In acupuncture philosophy, there is no separation between physical and mental-emotional conditions. Humans are "one being," and everything is connected. For example, if a person has deep grief and can't let go, that person might be physically constipated because they won't be able to let go of things physically either. They might have been constipated for years and not be aware of the connection of their physical condition to emotional well-being.
Yes. Acupuncture helps with infertility by balancing hormones and physical/mental/emotional well-being. An important aspect of getting pregnant is also being able to control and learn to manage stress levels that can cause anxiety/depression or worrying. Acupuncture helps calm the mind and relax the body to increase the chances of conception.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a protocol with many faces and body points. It causes micro-damage to the skin, so the skin starts producing more collagen and gives us a youthful look. It also tightens the skin, so the skin pores get smaller, and the skin gets lifted, which helps lift the skin around the jaw and neck. It also gets rid of discolorations. Another major benefit of cosmetic acupuncture is the calmness and sense of internal peace that clients feel since this treatment has many body points, and acupuncture points usually can benefit several areas of concern.
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Acupuncture & Healing Center provides Acupuncture to clients across Manassas, Manassas Park, Centreville, Bristow, Gainsville, Fairfax, Nokesville, Clifton, Burke, Woodbridge, Reston, Herndon, Haymarket, Springfield, Franconia, Ashburn and Sterling.